These famous philanthropists really have a can-don't attitude.
Bono, Richard Branson and Olivia Wilde have joined Matt Damon in his jokey pledge to not go to the bathroom until the world water crisis is solved. And they've invited us all to achieve stardom by saying no to nature's call.
"If you don't use the toilet, you're a celebrity," Damon cracks in his latest video (watch above). The spot follows a viral PSA he appeared in a few months ago for, an organization he co-founded to combat water shortages and contamination. It was then that the actor first declared his potty boycott.
Like the first video, the tone is in good fun. The three new toilet strikers banter about a secret meeting of "the illuminati" and other silliness regarding who is the superior do-gooder. But the message is serious: "780 million people -- that's one in nine -- lack access to safe water," Bono explains.
According to's website, almost three children die every minute from "water-related illness." Much of that is prompted by "fecal matter."
Visit here for a list of things you can do to help ease the water crisis.
Want to donate money to Damon's cause? (You'll be flush with pride!) Click here.