These days, our knowledge of celebrities too often originates with paparazzi images and snarky quotes by anonymous "insiders." After a while, it's easy to forget that stars are real people. That's why HuffPost Celebrity decided to launch its all-new #nofilter quick-fire question-and-answer series. Because how well do you know someone until they've shared their guiltiest pleasures?
Get ready to see Adrian Grenier in the upcoming "Entourage" movie. The 36-year-old actor, who has stayed out of the spotlight since the show wrapped in 2011, is heading back to the big screen as he reprises his role of Vincent Chase alongside his former co-stars Jeremy Piven, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon and Jerry Ferrara.
Grenier briefly chatted with HuffPost Celebrity as he celebrated the U.S. launch of Magnum Gold?! Ice Cream during the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City on April 18, where he revealed his biggest turn-on and turn-off.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate every day.
What’s your biggest turn-off?
And what’s your turn-on?
What’s on your nightstand?
A lamp, an old phone that doesn’t work -- kind of an antique one –- and usually a glass of water. And my cellphone … charging. I actually have a shoehorn on my nightstand. I never use it, but it seemed like a good place to put it at the time and I haven’t moved it in years.
If you could be anything aside from an actor, what would you be?
An architect or a therapist or a lawyer. I give good advice. In fact, I think I should probably have an advice column on The Huffington Post!
Who or what have you been jealous of lately?
I’ve been working on my jealousy for a long time, since I was in high school when I realized that it really held no value in my life. I think jealousy is probably the least beneficial emotion.
And obviously, you’re in “Entourage,” the movie, correct?
Without me, there would be no movie.