Another YouTube star is born, thanks to Justin Bieber.
The Canadian pop icon tweeted about 10-year-old Jayden Anderson's recent performance of Bieber's version of 'The Little Drummer Boy' at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School’s Christmas concert in Markham, Ont., putting a bright spotlight on the young rapper.
"this kid Jayden killed it! nice. #DrummerBoy" he tweeted Thursday.
Jayden's teacher Angie Careri, who chose the song, said the 5th-grader is a huge Bieber fan and practised the tune for weeks.
“He has a lot of swag for a little 10-year-old,” she told the Toronto Star.
As if Jayden did not have enough talent, he also knows a thing or two about baseball. He earned Internet fame over a stellar catch during a baseball game, The Huffington Post reported last year.
We expect to hear big things about Jayden. After all, Bieber was discovered on YouTube himself, and should know star quality when he sees it.