It's just a few weeks before the presidential election and the season is heating up with debates, powerful speeches, and truly dreadful TV ads. These all serve to remind us what matters most: our freedom. As parents, we watch democracy in action and cannot help but wonder what the world will be like for our children. Why haven't the presidential candidates talked about their plan to combat climate change?
We trust scientists to guide and inform us about global warming and we look to celebrities to entertain us. Like the scientist that enlightens us with sound science and tells us, "The wait-and-see approach to the climate crisis will be too late," celebrities can illuminate and help amplify this message. Actress, mom and Moms Clean Air Force member Julianne Moore lights up a movie screen. And as we saw with Julianne's last MCAF video, when she steps off the stage and into her daily role as a mom, her heartfelt advocacy has far-reaching effects.
"Too many politicians are only adding more hot air to the climate conversation. We need to know exactly where the candidates stand on clean air for our children. .. We want a plan for a clean energy future... an end to global warming... Moms know about sustainable energy. After all, mother love in an unending supply and it keeps kids healthy." --actress and mom Julianne Moore
Please watch and share Julianne Moore's new video and help us fight dirty air to protect our children's freedom to breathe healthy air.